#russian propaganda


Kadyrov Blames Russian Generals for Defeat. Russian Media Monitoring Report, 26 September – 2 October

Russian propagandists seemed to have mixed feelings about last week's events as their jubilant reports on the occupation of Ukrainian territories were punctuated by whining about “negative progress” of the war in Ukraine. Some propagandists tried to sugarcoat Russian military defeats while others did not hold back their criticism of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.Russian media also found the main culprits of the explosions that had torn apart Russian submarine gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea and published false reports on more and more countries pulling the plug on Ukrainian refugee support.This monitoring report covers these and other topics of the disinformation spread by Russian state media and online parajournalists to manipulate public opinion.

Terrorist Ukraine and Back-stabbing Armenia. Russian Media Monitoring Report, 12-18 September

Last week, Russian media launched a dedicated motivation-boosting campaign ahead of the imminent military mobilization. The enemy propagandists fumed over Russia's retreat in Kharkiv oblast and once again justified obliteration of the Ukrainian state. There was also a spike in anti-Armenian propaganda: Armenia was being accused of back-stabbing and fueling a conflict — perhaps, due to Russia's inability to interfere. This monitoring report covers these and other topics of the disinformation spread by Russian state media and online parajournalists to manipulate public opinion.

Russia Wants to Keep UN Hostage Forever while their War Correspondents Reel from a Shock. Russian Media Monitoring Report, 5-11 September

Last week, Russian media continued to trample Anti-Russian sanctions. Russia was claimed to be so successful in countering the sanctions that even China was taking notice. The propagandists also published triumphant statements of the Ministry of Defense on the Russian victories in Kharkiv oblast, scared the readers with American biolabs and scorned at Josep Borrel. This monitoring report covers these and other topics of the disinformation spread by Russian state media and online parajournalists to manipulate public opinion.

No Gas for Anglo-Saxons. Russian Media Monitoring Report, 29 August-4 September

Gas. Gas. Gas. Hardly any other word was used by Russian propagandists more often than this one last week. Their rhetoric has changed from threatening Europe to no-holds-barred energy blackmail. This monitoring report covers these and other topics of the disinformation spread by Russian state media and online parajournalists to manipulate public opinion.

Crimea Shudders from a “Boom” while Russians Complain about Persecution. Russian Media Monitoring Report, August 15th – August 21st

The recent series of strikes on military installations in Crimea caught Russian propagandists by surprise. No matter how hard they tried to ignore the elephant in the room, their denial strategy failed so they had to improvise. This monitoring report debunks the lies spread by Russian state media and online parajournalists to manipulate public opinion.

Russia Continues to Threaten Nuclear Holocaust. Russian Media Monitoring Report, August 8th – August 14th

Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant conundrum was all over the headlines of the Russian propagandist media last week. The Russians also moaned about derussification in Ukraine, lashed out at their Baltic neighbours and praised Uzbek-made refrigerators. This monitoring report debunks these and other lies spread consummately by Russian state media and online parajournalists to manipulate public opinion.

Activists launched a campaign demanding the resignation of Amnesty International's leadership: how to get involved

Activists, volunteers, human rights defenders and media have launched a campaign demanding the resignation of Amnesty International's senior leadership after the organisation published controversial and incompetent report on Ukrainian fighting tactics (you can sign the petition here). Civil rights activist and ‘Gender in Detail’ editor-in-chief Tamara Zlobina explains what may be wrong with similar to Amnesty International's organisations and why Amnesty's leadership must step down. See the original text below.

How Russia fabricates evidence about alleged crimes of Ukraine. A story from the darknet

Almost from the very beginning of the full-scale invasion, Russian disinformers continuously spread fakes about Ukraine selling West-supplied weapons. However, since these stories didn't resonate well with Western audiences, Russia has recently backed up their disinformation spews with the "real evidence base".

The West Will Stop Sponsoring Kyiv If the Ukrainians Do Not Recapture Kherson. Monitoring of Russian mass media for July 25th–31st

Last week, the Russian media focused their attention on the south of Ukraine. The Ukrainian counteroffensive, although slow, with the use of HIMARSes to strike supply lines still creates a new reality, so Russian propagandists need to respond to it somehow. Also, Russia found a new enemy on the international arena - the state of Israel. Read about this and more in the new issue of our monitoring of Russian state media and manipulative websites that purposefully spread Russian disinformation.

What Are the Americans Doing in Kherson? Monitoring of Russian Mass Media for July 18th-25th

Russian disinformers devoted every third piece of news to the war and its consequences for Russia. The central topic of the news is the confrontation with the West, while Russians prefer to write less and less about the economy, sanctions, and hostilities. However, the successes of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the south do not allow the propagandists to relax and force them to invent new absurd explanations for the delays of the “special operation”. For example, last week the Russian media stated that the failures in the Kherson region take place due to the fact that the Russian Armed Forces are directly fighting the Americans. We analyzed almost 22,000 news items from Russian state media and manipulative websites that purposefully spread Russian disinformation, and we continue to review what the enemy is telling its own population about the attack on Ukraine.

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